"While I do sex, many times I have thought about Bridge,
but while I play Bridge, I have never thought about Sex."
Omar Sharif


Bridge is a game played by four people divided into two teams. The players sit around a table with the teammates (also called partners) sitting across the table facing each other. The four player positions are assigned the compass positions of North, East, South, and West. From your vantage point as a player you would usually consider yourself South, looking across at your partner in the North position.


The hand starts by dealing thirteen cards face down to each player. After looking at their cards, each player bids in turn clockwise around the table, starting with the dealer. A bid is a declaration of how many tricks (rounds of card play) the player thinks his team can win.
In the language of bridge, a bid is defined as the number of excess tricks over six. This is because there are 13 cards in each hand, and hence 13 rounds or tricks; therefore the bidding team is claiming that it can win at least half of the tricks (six) and then some. Hence, a bid of one means the team expects to win six tricks plus one, or seven total.
The range of bids therefore lies from one (6 + 1 = 7 tricks total) to seven (6 + 7 = 13, or all the tricks available). A contract at the 6 or 7 level is called a slam. A 6-level contract is a small slam, and a 7-level contract is a grand slam.
Each bid consists of the bid level plus a trump suit choice. The trump suit is the one intended to be supreme for that hand. That is, when a card of a trump suit is played, it beats all cards of all other suits, plus any other trump suit cards lower in rank (with Ace being high). However, there are specific restrictions on when you can actually play a trump card, which will described later. Also, a bid can specify “no trump”, indicating that no suit is chosen as trump.
Bridge also accords each suit a rank. Spades is the highest suit, followed by Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs. In addition, No Trump, while technically not a suit, ranks above Spades for bidding purposes. Therefore, a bid of 1NT is higher than 1 Spades, which is higher than 1 Hearts, and so on.
The lower ranking Club and Diamond suits are known as the minor suits, while the higher ranking Heart and Spade suits are known as the major suits.
At the beginning of the hand, the dealer begins (or opens) the bidding. And as the bidding proceeds around the table, each player must either make a bid higher than the previous one, pass, or double the opponent’s bid.
A double is actually not a bid that’s twice as high, but rather a challenge to the opponents effectively stating “I dare you to make that contract”. A doubled bid can also be redoubled by the declaring team, meaning “Oh yeah, we sure can make that contract.” Doubling and redoubling can affect the score as described later.
During the bidding stage, the main problem facing the players is that they can only see their own cards. They cannot see the cards held by their partners, much less those of their opponents. So the bidding is largely a boasting game based on deductive reasoning and educated guesses (and to some extent, coded signals).
After one or more bids have been made and three players in a row pass on the opportunity to make a higher bid, the final bid becomes the contract which the bidding team has to fulfill during the card play stage. The bidding team is only awarded points if they win at least the number of tricks claimed in their bid. In fact, if they fail to win the number of tricks promised, the defending team is awarded penalty points.
So at this point, the game becomes a contest to see whether the declaring team can win sufficient tricks and make the contract, or whether the defending team can keep them from doing so, thereby setting (defeating) the contract.

Card Play

After the end of the bidding, the card play begins with the player to the left of the declarer. The declarer is the player on the team with the winning bid who first bid the suit the team finally ended up in.
As an example, if a player bids 1H, and his partner 3H, and the final contract is 3H, the first player would be the declarer, since he first bid Hearts.
The declarer is also often called the Driver, as he will play the cards for the partnership. Conversely, the Driver’s partner becomes the Dummy, as he no longer participates in the card play stage (as explained later).
The lead player (once again, on the declarer’s left), starts by taking a card from his hand and placing it face up on the table. The play then proceeds clockwise around the table as each player in turn places one of his cards face up on the table.
If the current player holds one or more cards in the suit that was led, he must play a card from that suit - this is called following suit. If he does not have any cards in the suit led (he is void in the suit), he may play a card of a different suit, including a trump, if one was declared in the contract.
After the first player leads a card, the dummy in the declaring team places all of his cards on the table face up, arranged by suit. This makes his cards visible to his partner as well as the opponents. From this point on, the declarer plays the cards for dummy’s hand as well as his own. Note, however, that he cannot play a card from his own hand when it is dummy’s turn, or vice versa.
After all four players have played a card, the trick or round is awarded to the player who played the highest card in the suit led. If however one or more trump cards have been played, the highest trump card wins the trick.
At the end of each round, the player who played the winning card collects the cards from the round and places it in front of him. That player then leads the first card of the next round.
At the end of 13 rounds, the number of tricks won by each team is added up. If the declaring side makes the number of tricks promised, they have made or fulfilled the contract and are awarded trick points. If they exceed the promised number of tricks, they are awarded bonus points in addition to the trick points. If however they fail to make the promised number of tricks, they are set one or more tricks and do not receive their trick points; in fact, the defending team receives bonus points for defeating the contract.

Rubber Bridge - Scoring

In Bridge, points awarded in the game are divided into points “above the line” and “below the line.”

Us    Them

Game or trick points won from declaring and making a contract are awarded below the line (as in the 60 and 20 points in the above example). Bonus points won from defeating a contract or for other reasons are awarded above the line, as in the 100 and 30 points in this example.
During a match, hands are played and the points won below the line are added up until one side reaches 100 points or more below the line, at which point the side has won a single game. A new line is then drawn below the scores, and a new game is started. Points accumulated below the line from one game do not carry over to the next game. Points gathered above the line are not affected when a new game is started.
The first side to win two games is awarded the rubber, which is a bonus of 500 or 750 points. The total score from all sources is then added up, including points from the games, the rubber bonus, and all other points above the line. The side with the most total accumulated points then wins the match, as shown in the example below
Us   Them  Explanation
100  A bonus
30   Some other bonus
500  Rubber Bonus for winning 2 games first
60   2 Spades contract bid and made by us
  20 1 Club contract bid and made by them
70  2 NT contract bid and made by us - We win Game #1 with a total of 130 points
  100 3 NT contract bid and made by them - They win Game #2 with 100 points
120   4 Spades contract bid and made by us - We win Game #3 with 120 points
850 150 Total Score, with our rubber bonus and all other bonuses

Trick Points
Trick points are the points gained below the line, awarded for bidding and successfully making a contract. Points are awarded for each trick bid and made above the minimum six tricks:
Trump Suit Points Awarded
Clubs, Diamonds (minor suits) 20 points per trick
Hearts, Spades (major suits) 30 points per trick
No Trump 40 points for the first trick plus 30 points for each additional trick

For instance, a bid of Two Clubs bid and made would earn 40 points below the line (2 tricks at 20 points each). Likewise, Two Spades bid and made would garner 60 points (2 tricks at 30 points each), and Two NT would get 70 points (40 for the first trick plus 30 for the second).
This point structure means that obtaining the magic 100 trick points for game in a single hand requires a contract at the 5-level for a minor suit (5 * 20 = 100), or at the 4-level for a major suit (4 * 30 = 120), or the 3-level for no trump (40 + 2 * 30 = 100). For this reason, players generally prefer a contract in majors or no trump over a minor suit.


A team becomes vulnerable when it wins a game. At the start of a rubber match, neither team is vulnerable, but at least one and possibly both teams will become vulnerable during the course of the match. Vulnerability affects penalties and certain other bonus points, as described later.


If a team wins more tricks than they bid for, the extra tricks or overtricks are awarded points according to the standard schedule, but in the form of bonuses above the line. Hence, overtricks do not contribute to the current game score and do not affect the contention for rubber points. Only the tricks actually bid for and made contribute to the game score.
Vulnerability does not affect overtrick points unless the contract is doubled or redoubled.


Undertricks occur when a team fails to win the number of tricks bid for. When this happens, the bidding team does not get any points for the tricks they have won, and the defending team is awarded penalty points above the line. The penalty schedule is as follows:

Undertricks Contract Not DoubledDoubled Contract Redoubled Contract
  Not Vul Vulnerable Not Vul Vulnerable Not Vul Vulnerable
First 50 100 100 200 200 400
Second & Third, each50 100 200 300 400 600
Each Additional50 100 300 300 600 600

1 Undertrick 50 100 100 200 200 400
3 Undertricks 150 300 500 800 1000 1600
5 Undertricks 250 500 1100 1400 2200 2800
Doubled Contracts

If you bid and make a doubled contract, your trick score is doubled, and your team receives a bonus of 50 points above the line for making a doubled contract. In addition, each and every overtrick is now scored at 100 points not vulnerable and 200 points vulnerable.
If the contract is redoubled, your trick score is now quadrupled, and your bonus for making the contract is 1000 points, and your overtrick points are doubled again.
Doubled Contract Redoubled Contract
Not Vulnerable Vulnerable Not Vulnerable Vulnerable
Bonus for Doubled Contract 50             50 100           100
Overtrick bonus, per overtrick 100           200 200           400

Note that this means making a redoubled 1S contract will produce 120 points below the line (30 pts quadrupled), which is enough for game! Not to mention which, it will also produce 100 bonus points above the line.

Other Bonuses

Bonus points are also awarded for certain feats and fortuitous events. If a player holds four honors in the trump suit (i.e., four out of A-K-Q-J-T), that team receives an honors bonus of 100 points. If a player holds all five trump honors, the team receives 150 points. And if a player holds all four aces in a notrump contract, the team receives 150 points. In all cases, it does not matter which side is the declaring team, and honors bonuses are not affected by doubles and redoubles.
You also receive a bonus for bidding and making a slam. Slam bonuses are also not affected by doubles and redoubles.
Slam TypeNot VulnerableVulnerable
Small (6-level)500750
Grand (7-level)10001500

Rubber Bonus
The Rubber Bonus is awarded at the end of the match to the side that first wins two games. If the team wins two games versus zero for the opponents, the rubber bonus is 700 points. If the team wins two games to one, the bonus is 500 points. In both cases, the rubber bonus is awarded above the line.

Duplicate Bridge (Chicago with Russia scoring)

Scoring is the same as Rubber Bridge, but rubber bonus is replaced with bonus for Mansh which is 300 pts when the team is not vulnerable and 500 when is vulnerable they are given when in one game the team make contract that in Rubber Bridge has more than 100pts under the line. There are bonus for making contract ( if contract is equal or higher than 2NT bonus is 100pts if the team is not vulnerable and 200pts if is vulnerable if contract is smaller than 2NT the bonus is 50pts).

Zones are at the beginning one team is in zone, next other, after no team is in zone and next both teams are in zone after that zones are repeats. The game is 8 hands and if the score is equal there are playing more until one of the teams lead.
The actual score is calculate when all points above and under the line for current hand are summed.
On each deal, there is a target score which depends on the number of high card points held end number of colors that both players of the team have more than 8 cards(called fits).
At the end of the play, the high card points held by each side are counted, according to the following scale:
  • each ace: 4 points
  • each king: 3 points
  • each queen: 2 points
  • each jack: 1 point

There are 40 points in all. The team which held more high card points finds its target score, which depends on whether they were vulnerable or not, from the following table:
ptsTarget score
 No vulnerable vulnerable
 0 fits1 fits2 fits0 fits1 fits2 fits

The difference between the target score from the above table and the actual score is then converted to IMPs, using the standard IMP table. The total IMP scores over a series of hands are totaled to give an overall result.

Point difference         IMPs
0 - 10                          0
20 - 40                        1
50 - 80                        2
90 - 120                      3
130 - 160                    4
170 - 210                    5
220 - 260                    6
270 - 310                    7
320 - 360                    8
370 - 420                    9
430 - 490                    10
500 - 590                    11
600 - 740                    12
750 - 890                    13
900 - 1090                  14
1100 - 1290                15
1300 - 1490                16
1500 - 1740                17
1750 - 1990                18
2000 - 2240                19
2250 - 2490                20
2500 - 2990                21
3000 - 3490                22
3500 - 3990                23
4000 or more               24


Open anons

1 ♣ - (11) pts
         (12-14) pts end 4333(1♣)or 5 clubs
1 , , ♠ - 12-14 4+(longest color) if there are two equal the weaker as a rank. If one color is stronger than other with more than 3 pts we say its.
1 ÁÊ-15-16pts
2 ♣ , , , ♠ -17-19pts 4+( longest color) if there are two equal the weaker as a rank.
                          or 14+ and 6+ in color
2 ÁÊ - 20-25 pts(19pts and 4333 end weak long color)
3 ♣ , , , ♠ - 6+ cards in color end less than 14 pts
3 ÁÊ - 25+pts
4 ♣ , , , ♠ - 9+ cards in color
5 ♣ , - 11+ êàðòè â áîÿ

First answer

1 ♣  -   8+ longest color áîÿ
            11+ 1NT
            13+ 2 in longest color
            19+ 2 NT(Asking for Aces)
1 , , ♠ -
            4+ cards in color that the partner opened :
                 7+- 3 in color
                 11+ 3 NT if the color is minor and 4 cards in it 4 , ♠ if color is major or with
5+ cards in color 5 ♣ , - (closing anonse)
                 19+ 2 NT (Asking for Aces)
            7+ longest color;
            10+ 1NT
            12+ 2 longest color
            19+ 2 NT (Asking for Aces)
1NT -
            6+ 2 longest color or 2NT;//
            10+3 longest color or 3NT-
            16+ 4NT-(Asking for Aces)
2 ♣ , , , ♠ - 4+ cards in color that the partner opened
                 4+- 3 in color
                 7+ 3 NT if the color is minor and 4 cards in it 4 , ♠if color is major or
with 5+ cards in color 5 ♣ , -(closing anonse)
                  13+ 4 NT(Asking for Aces)
            5+ 2NT (closing anonse);
8+ 3 longest color or 3NT- 13+ 4 NT(Asking for Aces)
            5+ 3 longest color or 3NT
            11+ 4NT(Asking for Aces)
3 ♣ , , , ♠ -
            2+ in color 13+ pts(if other team says s.th)
            15 + 4 , ♠ or 5 ♣ , - (closing anonse);
            19+6 in color
            6+ 4NT(Asking for Aces)

Main principles

If the player opened at 1♣ if he repeat the volor that means that 12-14 pts and 4+in color
5 ♣ , are very difficulty that is why they are playing 3 NT in most situations.
Every repeat of color means that color is longer wit 1 card. First anonsing of color mean 4cards in it.

4NT(2NT)( Asking for Aces)
       +1 anons 0 or 3 Aces
       +2 anons 1 or 4 Aces
       +3 anons 2 Aces
Example if say 5 that mean 2 Aces

If doubled contract at level less than 3NT that mean informative double(the same anons as last on)